Sunday, August 29, 2010

Humans are greedy, right?

wahhhhhh...haha I've been talking about humans nowadays. Now, this post too. For the years I've been on the Earth, I've realized that humans are very very very greedy. Look at the forest, the atmosphere, the flora and fauna. Everything is decreasing day by day. (I'm annoyed by someone right now...) I think that humans are always wanting more and more. They've never stop asking. And I'm one of them. Ah...why are humans like that? Is there a way to change it? We never appreciate what we have until we lose it. Why? We hear this sentence everyday and yet we never do anything about it. Why?


I'm having this dilemma now. My mum is talking and talking about how I should not take JLPT. I prefer my father's way for the lecturing part...I never liked to hear how she explains stuff to me. *sigh* If only my father...

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