Thursday, July 23, 2009

Sneak Peek...

HAHA Hey peeps! If everything goes well...I will put some sneak peeks here. LOL BUT, I wouldn't be online for these few days or maybe I'll just go online once or twice a week. Coz PMR is coming close...

Don't worry I'll try to update about the progress of the book. Currently, I'm still thinking about the front cover of the book and the fonts. I've finished my story. I asked a few friends of mine to help me out with that.

They a;; are very helpful and they thought a lot of ideas for me. THANK YOU!!! F.Y.I. My story is called NOVEMBER'S TEARS not NOVEMBER TEARS.

If you have anything you want to know or ask please reply to this post coz the chat box there very difficult to reply...especially one by one...You can leave short messages there. Thanks again! :)


  1. Why cheah get to see... I also want to see....
    Print it out... Print it out ....

  2. me wan see... me wan read....

    me interested!!!

    me very interested !!!

  3. I haven't print it out yet...coz I keep editing it...LOL

  4. put monotype corsiva (font) 4 d front cover XDXD or pristina! size of d buk is lyk twilight size! n font inside is times new roman i think!
